IELTS Reading Test Strategy

Take a look at this video which explains how to use your skimming, scanning and reading for detail skills effectively in order to answer IELTS questions. Underneath the video the main points are given in note form.

How To Do The IELTS Reading Questions

The basic strategy I recommend for the IELTS Reading module is as follows:

1. Skim the text to find out what it is about, generally . You may wish to label what different paragraphs refer to e.g. 'The Changing Environment'

2. Read the questions intensively circling key words and possibly writing synonyms for those words (remember the text is unlikely to use the same words so this should help you identify the relevant section later).

Don't rush this part, make sure you understand the question.

3. Now, use your skimming and scanning skills to locate the answer to the first question. Use the notes and synonyms you have already written down to help you do this.

4. Next, read intensively the section you have picked out to answer the question. If it is not the correct section then skim and scan again until you find the correct part.

5. Underline the part that you think gives you the correct answer so that you can check it later if you need to, and then write the answer in to the question.

6. Repeat this procedure for all remaining questions. I prefer to transfer my answers on to the answer sheet as I go along so I don't have to rush it at the end.

What Next?

You may be interested in the following:

IELTS Reading Overview

How To improve Your Reading Score


  • MrTim

    Reply Reply May 19, 2019

    You might want to try my video course here:
    Although a general English course may be needed first to boost your level of English.


    Reply Reply May 9, 2019

    please help me I take test ielts gernial last January 2019 I got over all 3.5

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