About the Site Founder

Hi, my name’s Tim and I’m from the England.

I am a former IELTS examiner and have assessed thousands of students in the speaking part of the test. I know what works and what does not and I have seen how seriously students take this test.

I’ve also been teaching IELTS for over 10 years now, in international schools, universities, language institutes and online to students from all over the world.

During this time I have developed my own tips, tricks and techniques that help students get the best possible IELTS band score, in the shortest possible time. This has helped many of them transform their lives and get the jobs of their dreams, study at the university of their choice, or move abroad to the country they always wanted to live in.

In the short term preparing for IELTS can seem a nuisance but the immediate and long term pay offs can be incredible! Where do you want to be in 1, 5, 10 and 20 years time? I hope you are not going to let IELTS stop you from achieving your goals! Hold these thoughts in mind as you go about your studies.

I started this site because students that I taught IELTS to face to face in a classroom, kept asking me if I could put lessons online.

Finally I did, and I am now delighted to be able to help people from around the world do well in their IELTS test.

Many people I have taught have gone on to make a new life for themselves in an English speaking country, study at their first choice university abroad, or even gotten the dream job they always wanted! So, I know just how important and life changing getting the IELTS band score you need can be.

On this site, you will find advice, strategies and step-by-step instructions, on how to do each part of the IELTS test. The main navigation bar at the top will get you to each individual part of the test, but there is also a blog section which goes into more detail on different parts too.

I hope you find what you are looking for here, and I invite you to get a copy of our free 'Cheat Sheet' above and also 'like' and 'share' our page with your friends if you have found value here.

Tim James, Founder IELTSfreeway.com

P.S. We also have an awesome Facebook page and YouTube channel which you may wish to follow too!

Why The Name 'IELTS Freeway'?

Well, I hope this site will help you get the IELTS score you need and fast, just like a freeway (motorway in British English) gets you where you want to go fast. This is the reason the site logo, pictured left, is a UK motorway sign.

Furthermore, once you have the IELTS band of your dreams, YOU will have the freedom to work, study and communicate in English to a high level, all over the world. Pretty cool hey!

Get In Touch...

Any questions comments or suggestions please feel free to leave comments on the relevant blog post or article. You can also e-mail me directly on ieltsfreeway@gmail.com

Good Luck,

Tim James