IELTS Writing And Cohesion
Improve Your IELTS Writing Cohesion For A Higher Band Score. The video below was produced by the part owners of the IELTS exam, the British Council, so their advice is definitely worth listening to! The script follows the video underneath. Play The Video… IELTS Writing Coherence & Cohesion – Improve your IELTS Writing (Script) So, you…
IELTS Speaking Grammar
How To Improve Your IELTS Grammar Band Score For The Speaking Test The video below was produced by the British Council who actually part own the IELTS exam. This means their advice is important. The script is below the video in case you need it. Play The Video… IELTS Speaking Grammar – Improve English &…
IELTS Task Achievement/Task Response
Do you know what ‘Task Achievement’ is and how it can help you increase your IELTS band score? If not then watch the video below created by the IELTS owners, the British Council to find out. The full script is underneath in case you don’t catch everything. Play The Video… IELTS Writing: How To Improve…
IELTS Listening Practice Techniques
IELTS Listening Practice – How To Improve Your Listening Band Score! Their are two main ways to improve your IELTS listening score: [stextbox id=”grey” color=”545454″ bcolor=”E0E0E0″ bgcolor=”FAFFAD” bgcolorto=”FCFFD9″ mleft=”50″ mright=”50″ mtop=”5″ mbottom=”5″ image=”null”] 1. Improve your exam technique – covered here. 2. Improve your general listening skills. [/stextbox] Once you know how to do…
IELTS Writing Vocabulary

Need help with your IELTS writing vocabulary? Here’s a video made by the people who make the IELTS exam explaining how you can improve this. The full script is underneath the video. Play The Video… IELTS Writing Vocabulary: Improve English And Prepare For IELTS (Script) So you have decided to take the IELTS exam. Great…