How To Clear IELTS Easily?

If you want to know how to clear IELTS easily then here you go:

  • There are no short cuts to success, you must practice sufficiently.
  • You must get feedback on your practice tests, otherwise how can you know what to improve?
  • You must be willing to do things differently. There is no point getting feedback if you won’t accept that feedback and change your approach.
  • You must be persistent. Success does not come overnight, you have to keep practicing, keep getting feedback, keep trying to improve.
  • You must improve your exam technique.
  • You must have a time management plan.
  • You must have techniques ready for each question type.
  • You must have practiced under the same time pressure.
  • You must sleep and eat well prior to the exam.
  • You must remain calm before and during the test.

Now, here is the detailed explanation of how to clear IELTS easily.

Recently, I was asked by another teacher what advice he should give to his students who kelt asking him ‘how to clear IELTS easily‘. So, I started thinking about why some students achieved their IELTS goals quickly and others didn’t.

I have taught thousands of students over the years in classrooms or online, some of them have gone on to live abroad and start new careers such as: being an engineer in Australia, becoming doctors/nurses in the UK, or even entering top universities in America.

What did those students that succeeded have that the other students that failed did not?

Well, after some thought I have narrowed it down to 3 qualities. If you can show these three qualities then I believe you are going to achieve your IELTS goals and open the door to your dreams in the long term. So, here is my best IELTS advice:


“Huh? What do you mean honesty? The IELTS examiners won’t know if I am telling the truth or not!”

No, I don’t mean being honest with the examiner, I mean being honest with yourself. I have lost count of the number of students that tell me that they practice listening everyday but what they actually mean is they listen to a few English songs now and then.

We all know that this is not the type of listening practice that is going to really help you improve.

Other students who are not honest with themselves about their current level of English think that if they just keep doing the test then eventually they will get the band score they need. They don’t want to admit that they keep getting a 5.5 at writing because that is their actual level of writing.

If they admitted that this was correct then they would have no excuse but to put in some time and effort into improving their writing. More often than not candidates like this eventually give up, blaming the test for being inaccurate or inconsistent.

The successful student scores a 5.5 and says to themselves. ‘OK, my English is not good enough to get a band 7 yet, so I’m going to take a course or study online and improve my English before I do the test again.’ 

Students who think like this are always going to do much better. They are being honest with themselves. This means they can accept the things they are not good at.

When you do this you can work out your areas of weakness by doing practice papers and then work on improving those areas, especially if you have gotten feedback from and IELTS examiner on every part of your test. However, candidates who are not honest with themselves don’t even give themselves the opportunity to do this and improve!


At my previous international school, we found that we could improve students band score quite quickly by teaching them correct exam technique, however once they had learned this correct technique then to improve by just one band level would take about 2 months of intense English study.

The lesson here is that once you have improved your technique, the only thing left to improve is your actual English ability and this takes time and effort to improve which requires persistence.

Now, being persistent requires you to not give up, to keep going, to keep practicing, to keep attending classes and/or researching online. Even when you think you are not making progress you need to continue. So, my advice is to be persistent!

Being persistent is definitely one of the qualities that separates my successful students from the ones that never quite got to live their dream out abroad in a new exciting life, but it could be the key to unlocking yours!

Being Humble

Finally, my last piece of IELTS advice is to be humble. Being humble greatly helped the majority of my successful students. By this I mean that they were always prepared to listen to advice from others. They never thought that they knew better. They were always ready to learn from other people whether that be teachers or other test takers.

They may not always have agreed with those other ideas but they listened to them. They could then decide whether it was a strategy they wanted to use or not. If they had not even been prepared to listen and accept that someone else might know better than them, then they would have never been able to learn and keep progressing.

It seems like such a simple quality, but being humble and accepting advice and help from others is a great quality.

In conclusion then, my best advice regarding how to clear IELTS easily is to try and combine the qualities of honesty, persistence and humility into you IELTS preparation (and even everyday life) then you are improving your chances of one day jetting off to the land, university or career of your dreams massively. Good luck and enjoy the journey!